One of the fundamental tenets of the Broadleaf Writers Association is that through community, writers gain not only in talent but in strength and confidence. As a unit, we can achieve more, we can assist one another in the dreams birthed the first day we created worlds. Our region is deep in organizations dedicated to writers, and we believe it is necessary to partner with and promote them all. The broader the community, the greater we can assist our writers. So, today we launch a feature promoting each of our partners. Please, follow the links, see what these groups are doing. Perhaps they speak to you. Perhaps they speak to a writer you know. Perhaps you will share the word, help us in our efforts to build the biggest, most diverse community of writers in existence.
Today, we spotlight Tinderbox Workshop, led by award winning and bestselling author Kimberly Brock. Tinderbox Workshop is a salon-like workshop designed to help you reconnect with your creative self through awareness, movement, and an environment that encourages you to find your true north, embrace your unique voice, and discover the innate resilience of life lived from your Creative Core. For a full list of Kimberly’s workshops, visit her site at
Kimberly Brock is a writer’s greatest champion, networking and connecting one writer to another, supporting and celebrating organizations who serve writers, and the energy and vision behind the Milton Literary Festival. We are proud to partner with her in her continued efforts to support and educate writers. In addition, we are proud to help promote her great work, not the least of which includes the forthcoming Tinderbox Writers Retreat for Women.

This retreat was created to nurture the creative spirit of women, to celebrate our stories through the written and spoken word. We’ll spend four transformative days, writing, reading, and sharing. You’ll be challenged to explore the deeper questions about what you want to say in your writing. We will begin our days with walks on the beach, nourish ourselves while cooking together, embrace solitude when we need a quiet moment, and form friendships that will last a lifetime. Your heart and your writing will grow through workshops and intimate sessions created to transform your writing.