Mentoring Sessions

You have a lot of questions. You need answers. But it isn’t always possible to get your questions in during panels. So, what can you do?

Back for 2025, Broadleaf Writers offers you the opportunity to sit with an agent or author of your choice, for a ten-minute mentoring session! Now you can take the time you need, without the pressure of a pitch, to gather more information, resources, and guidance from industry professionals! This a rare and invaluable opportunity, so be sure to sign up before slots fill!

The one-on-one sessions will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis until all slots are filled. One mentoring session is free-of-charge for conference participants, but registration is required. Each additional session scheduled will cost $25. These sessions will fill up quickly, so ensure your opportunity and sign-up now!

Please keep in mind, these sessions are designed to offer you the opportunity to speak to an agent or author without the added pressure of pitching your work. We ask that you respect the nature of these sessions, and do not pitch any work with your mentor. All pitches must be discussed during a one-on-one pitch session. Inability to abide by the rules may result in cancellation of your mentoring sessions.

All Mentoring Sessions will be held on Sunday, September 21st. 2025.

For more information on our literary agents, visit the one-on-one page.


Monica Cox is a writer and Author Accelerator Certified book coach who firmly believes the real writing happens in revision. She loves helping writers through the thorny process of revision to find the rose of their story. Monica is a graduate of the Hussman School of Journalism and Media at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a proud member of the Women’s Fiction Writers Association and North Carolina Writers Network. She lives in North Carolina with her husband, two teenaged boys, and ornery but adorable cat. Monica is represented by Felice Laverne at ArtHouse Literary Agency. To learn more about Monica, visit her website at You can also connect with her on InstagramLinkedIn or via her weekly newsletter.

Broadleaf Writers Association Founder & Executive Director Zachary Steele is the author of four novels, including The Weight of Ashes, nominated for Georgia Author of the Year in 2021, and Perfectly Normal. He has been featured in the Atlanta Journal-ConstitutionPublisher’s WeeklyWriter’s MagazineShelf Awareness and City Lights with Lois Reitzes on NPR. Currently, he is hard at work on The Fallen Hero, the first in a series of fantasy novels. You can follow his ramblings on writing and life at